Publications of the METRIC
Voelzke, Y, Akbey, S, Lowen, D, Stirnberg, R, Pracht, ED, Gras, V, Boulant, N, Zaiss, M, & Stoecker, T. (2025). Calibration-free whole-brain ultra-high field CEST imaging using universal parallel transmission. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, 630–642.
Dudysheva, N, Luong, M, Amadon, A, Morel, L, Le Touz, N, Vignaud, A, Boulant, N, Gras, V. Proposal for local SAR safety margin in pediatric neuro-imaging using 7 T MRI and parallel transmission, Physics in Medicine and Biology 2025. Doi: 10.1088/1361-6560/ada683
Aghaeifar, A., Bosch, D., Heule, R., Williams, S., Ehses, P., Mauconduit, F., & Scheffler, K. (2024). Intra‐scan RF power amplifier drift correction. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, mrm.30078. Amor, Z., Ciuciu, P., G. R., C., Daval-Frérot, G., Mauconduit, F., Thirion, B., & Vignaud, A. (2024). Non-Cartesian 3D-SPARKLING vs Cartesian 3D-EPI encoding schemes for functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging at 7 Tesla. PLOS ONE, 19(5), e0299925.
Boulant, N., Mauconduit, F., Gras, V., Amadon, A., Le Ster, C., Luong, M., Massire, A., Pallier, C., Sabatier, L., Bottlaender, M., Vignaud, A., & Le Bihan, D. (2024). In vivo imaging of the human brain with the Iseult 11.7-T MRI scanner. Nature Methods, 21(11), 2013–2016.
Boulant, N., Le Ster, C., Amadon, A., Aubert, G., Beckett, A., Belorgey, J., Bonnelye, C., Bosch, D., Brunner, D. O., Dilasser, G., Dubois, O., Ehses, P., Feinberg, D., Feizollah, S., Gras, V., Gross, S., Guihard, Q., Lannou, H., Le Bihan, D., … Wu, X. (2024). The possible influence of third-order shim coils on gradient–magnet interactions: an inter-field and inter-site study. Magnetic Resonance Materials in Physics, Biology and Medicine.
Boulant, Nicolas, Ma, Samantha, Walker, Erica, Beckett, Alexander, Vu, An, Gunamony, Shajan, & Feinberg, David. (2024). Acoustic noise reduction in the NexGen 7T scanner. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, 92, 2261–2270.
Czajko, S., Vignaud, A., & Eger, E. (2024). Human brain representations of internally generated outcomes of approximate calculation revealed by ultra-high-field brain imaging. Nature Communications, 15(1), 572.
Guevara, M., Roche, S., Brochard, V., Cam, D., Badagbon, J., Leprince, Y., Bottlaender, M., Cointepas, Y., Mangin, J.-F., de Rochefort, L., & Vignaud, A. (2024). Iron load in the normal aging brain measured with QSM and R2* at 7T: findings of the SENIOR cohort. Frontiers in Neuroimaging, 3, 1359630.
Gapais P-F, Luong M, Giacomini E, Guillot J… Amadon A. A 32-channel high-impedance honeycomb-shaped receive array for temporal lobes exploration at 11.7T. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine 93(1):433-447 (2025).
Gapais, P.-F., Luong, M., Nizery, F., Maitre, G., Giacomini, E., Guillot, J., Vignaud, A., Berrahou, D., Dubois, M., Abdeddaim, R., Georget, E., Hosseinnezhadian, S., & Amadon, A. (2024). Efficiently building receive arrays with electromagnetic simulations and additive manufacturing: A two-layer, 32-channel prototype for 7T brain MRI. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, 91(3), 1254–1267.
Gapais, P-F, Luong, M, Amadon, A. Revisiting the Impact of Inter-Channel Coupling and Thermal Noise Correlation on MRI Receive-Array Performance: A Simulation Study, IEEE Journal of Electromagnetics, RF and Microwaves in Medicine and Biology. 2024. doi: 10.1109/JERM.2024.3509589.
Lowen, D., Pracht, E. D., Gras, V., Massire, A., Mauconduit, F., Stoecker, T., & Boulant, N. (2024). Design of calibration‐free RF pulses for T 2\({}_2\)‐weighted single‐slab 3D turbo‐spin‐echo sequences at 7T utilizing parallel transmission. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, 92(5), 2037–2050.
Monreal-Madrigal, Alejandro, Kurban, Deniz, Huber, Laurentius, Ivanov, Dimo, Boulant, Nicolas, & Poser, Benedikt. (2024). Combining the benefits of 3D acquisitions and spiral readouts for VASO fMRI at UHF. Imaging Neuroscience, 2, 1–14.
Haiwei, C, Lei, G, Feiyang, L, Yang, G, Zhiyan, Q, Boulant, N, Liu, F, & Zhang, X. (2024). Asymmetrical Planar Folded Dipole Antennas for Human Body MRI at 7 T. IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation. Pinho, L, Richard, H, Ponse, AF, Eickenberg, M. Amadon,A et al. Individual Brain Charting dataset extension, third release for movie watching and retinotopy data, Sci Data 11, 590 (2024).
Aubert, G., Guihard, Q., Dubois, O., Lannou, H., Juster, F.-P., Belorgey, J., Nunio, F., Amadon, A., Bonnelye, C., Gras, V., Ster, C. L., Mauconduit, F., Vignaud, A., Quettier, L., & Boulant, N. (2024). Power deposition in the He bath induced by the Z gradient coil in the 11.7 T Iseult magnet: theory versus measurements. Superconductor Science and Technology, 37(7), 075001.
Bapst, B., Massire, A., Mauconduit, F., Gras, V., Boulant, N., Dufour, J., Bodini, B., Stankoff, B., Luciani, A., & Vignaud, A. (2023). Pushing MP2RAGE boundaries: Ultimate time-efficient parameterization combined with exhaustive T1 synthetic contrasts. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine.
Boulant, N., Quettier, L., Aubert, G., Amadon, A., Belorgey, J., Berriaud, C., Bonnelye, C., Bredy, Ph., Chazel, E., Dilasser, G., Dubois, O., Giacomini, E., Gilgrass, G., Gras, V., Guihard, Q., Jannot, V., Juster, F. P., Lannou, H., Leprêtre, F., … the Iseult Consortium. (2023). Commissioning of the Iseult CEA 11.7 T whole-body MRI: current status, gradient–magnet interaction tests and first imaging experience. Magnetic Resonance Materials in Physics, Biology and Medicine.
Chu, S., Gras, V., Mauconduit, F., Massire, A., Boulant, N., & Gunamony, S. (2023). Electromagnetic and RF pulse design simulation based optimization of an eight-channel loop array for 11.7T brain imaging. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, 90(2), 770–783.
Daval-Frérot, G., Massire, A., Mailhé, B., Nadar, M., Bapst, B., Luciani, A., Vignaud, A., & Ciuciu, P. (2023). Deep learning-assisted model-based off-resonance correction for non-Cartesian SWI. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, 90(4), 1431–1445. Delabarre, T., Gras, V., Mauconduit, F., Vignaud, Boulant, N., & Ciobanu, L. (2023). Efficient optimization of CEST MRI at 7T using Universal Pulses and Virtual Observation Points. Magn Reson Med.
Destruel, A., Mauconduit, F., Massire, A., Abdeddaim, R., Guye, M., Gras, V., & Callot, V. (2023). Optimized interferometric encoding of presaturated TurboFLASH B1 mapping for parallel transmission MRI at 7 T: Preliminary application for quantitative T1 mapping in the spinal cord. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, 90(4), 1328–1344.
Dudysheva, N., Mauconduit, F., Abdeddaim, R., Gapais, P.-F., Hosseinnezhadian, S., Dubois, M., Amadon, A., Boulant, N., Hertz-Pannier, L., & Vignaud, A. (2023). The restricted SAR protocol: A method to assess MRI coil prototypes in an unconditionally safe manner. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine.
Gras, V., Boulant, N., Luong, M., Morel, L., Le Touz, N., Adam, J.-P., & Joly, J.-C. (2023). A mathematical analysis of clustering-free local SAR compression algorithms for MRI safety in parallel transmission. IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging, 1–1.
Gimbert, M., Doyen, M., Weber, N., Delmas, A., Vignaud, A., Fabre, I., Ginisty, C., Lecomte, Y., Berland, V., Becuwe Desmidt, S., Roger, S., & Felblinger, J. (2023). Évaluation de l’exposition au champ magnétique statique des manipulateurs en électroradiologie médicale d’un centre de recherche travaillant à proximité d’IRM 3T et 7T à l’aide d’un dispositif portable. Archives Des Maladies Professionnelles et de l’Environnement, 84(3), 101702.
Amor, Z., Le Ster, C., Gr, C., Daval-Frérot, G., Boulant, N., Mauconduit, F., Thirion, B., Ciuciu, P., & Vignaud, A. (2023). Impact of dB0 field imperfections correction on BOLD sensitivity in 3D-SPARKLING fMRI data. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine.
Le Ster, C., Selingue, E., Poirier, R., Edeline, J.-M., Mériaux, S., & Boulant, N. (2023). Behavioral and functional assessment of mice inner ear after chronic exposure to an ultrahigh B0 field of 11.7 T or 17.2 T. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, 90(2), 699–707.
Mazancieux, A., Mauconduit, F., Amadon, A., Willem de Gee, J., Donner, T. H., & Meyniel, F. (2023). Brainstem fMRI signaling of surprise across different types of deviant stimuli. Cell Reports, 42(11), 113405. Porciuncula Baptista, R., Naudin, M., Chaithya, G. R., Daval-Frerot, G., Mauconduit, F., Haeger, A., Romanzetti, S., Lapert, M., Ciuciu, P., Rabrait-Lerman, C., Guillevin, R., Vignaud, A., & Boumezbeur, F. (2023). Irm cerebrale du sodium rapide avec sparkling 3d sous-echantillonnee à 7 tesla. Journal of Neuroradiology, 50, 192–193.
Quettier, L., Aubert, G., Amadon, A., Belorgey, J., Berriaud, C., Bonnelye, C., Boulant, N., Bredy, Ph., Dilasser, G., Dubois, O., Gilgrass, G., Gras, V., Guihard, Q., Jannot, V., Juster, F. P., Lannou, H., Lepretre, F., Lerman, C., Le Ster, C., … Vignaux, A. (2023). Progress Toward Medical Use of the Iseult Whole Body 11.7 T MRI: First Images. IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity, 33(5), 1–7.
Radhakrishna, C, G., Daval-Frérot, G., Massire, A., Vignaud, A., Ciuciu, P. (2023). Improving spreading projection algorithm for rapid k-space sampling trajectories through minimized off-resonance effects and gridding of low frequencies. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, 90(3), 1069–1085.
Chaithya, G. R., Weiss, P., Daval-Frérot, G., Massire, A., Vignaud, A., & Ciuciu, P. (2022). Optimizing Full 3D SPARKLING Trajectories for High-Resolution Magnetic Resonance Imaging. IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging, 41(8), 2105–2117.
Daval-Frérot, G., Massire, A., Mailhe, B., Nadar, M., Vignaud, A., & Ciuciu, P. (2022). Iterative static field map estimation for off-resonance correction in non-Cartesian susceptibility weighted imaging. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, 88(4).
Le Ster, C., Grant, A., Van de Moortele, P.-F., Monreal-Madrigal, A., Adriany, G., Vignaud, A., Mauconduit, F., Rabrait-Lerman, C., Poser, B. A., Uğurbil, K., & Boulant, N. (2022). Magnetic field strength dependent SNR gain at the center of a spherical phantom and up to 11.7T. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, 88(5), 2131–2138.
Le Ster, C., Mauconduit, F., Mirkes, C., Vignaud, A., & Boulant, N. (2022). Measuring radiofrequency field-induced temperature variations in brain MRI exams with motion compensated MR thermometry and field monitoring. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, 87(3), 1390–1400.
Le Ster, Caroline, Mauconduit, Franck, Massire, Aurélien, Boulant, Nicolas, & Gras, Vincent. (2022). Standardized Universal Pulse: a fast RF calibration approach to improve flip angle accuracy in parallel transmission. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, 87, 2839–2850.
Vergara Gomez, T. S., Dubois, M., Rustomij, K., Georget, E., Antonakakis, T., Vignaud, A., Rappachi, S., Girard, O. M., Kober, F., Enoch, S., & Abdeddaim, R. (2022). Hilbert Fractal Inspired Dipoles for passive RF shimming in Ultra-High Field MRI. Photonics and Nanostructures - Fundamentals and Applications, 48, 100988.
Pinho Meneses, B., & Amadon, A. (2022). Physical limits to human brain B0 shimming with spherical harmonics, engineering implications thereof. MAGMA, 10.1007/s10334-022-01025–3(6), 923–941.
Pinho Meneses, B., Stockmann, J. P., Arango, N., Gapais, P.-F., Giacomini, E., Mauconduit, F., Gras, V., Boulant, N., Vignaud, A., Luong, M., & Amadon, A. (2022). Shim coils tailored for correcting B0 inhomogeneity in the human brain (SCOTCH): Design methodology and 48-channel prototype assessment in 7-Tesla MRI. NeuroImage, 261, 119498.
Raolison, Z., Dubois, M., Luong, M., Neves, A. L., Mauconduit, F., Enoch, S., Mallejac, N., Sabouroux, P., Boumezbeur, F., Berthault, P., Zubkov, M., Adenot-Egelvin, A.-L., Hertz-Pannier, L., Georget, E., Abdeddaim, R., & Vignaud, A. (2022). Evaluation of new MRI invisible silicon carbide based dielectric pads for 7T MRI. Magn Reson Imaging, 90, 37–43.
Meneses, B. P., & Amadon, A. (2021). A fieldmap-driven few-channel shim coil design for MRI of the human brain. Physics in Medicine & Biology, 66(1), 015001.
Nikulin, A. V., Vignaud, A., Avdievich, N. I., Abdeddaim, R., Berrahou, D., de Rosny, J., & Ourir, A. (2021). Open birdcage coil for head imaging at 7T. Magn Reson Med.
Opheim, G., der Kolk, A., Bloch, K. M., Colon, A. J., Davis, K. A., Henry, T. R., Jansen, J. F. A., Jones, S. E., Pan, J. W., Rossler, K., Stein, J. M., Strandberg, M. C., Trattnig, S., Van De Moortele, P.-F., Vargas, M. I., Wang, I., Bartolomei, F., Bernasconi, N., Bernhardt, B., … Guye, M. (2021). 7T MRI in epilepsy:Clinical experiences and guidance from the 7T Epilepsy Task Force. Neurology, 96, 327–341.
Pinho, L., Amadon, A., Fabre, M., Dohmatob, E., Denghien, I., Torre, J. J., Ginisty, C., Becuwe-Desmidt, S., Roger, S., Laurier, L., Joly-Testault, V., Médiouni-Cloarec, G., Doublé, C., Martins, B., Pinel, P., Eger, E., Varoquaux, G., Pallier, C., Dehaene, S., … Thirion, B. (2021). Subject-specific segregation of functional territories based on deep phenotyping. Human Brain Mapping, 42(4), 841–870.
Jamil, R., Mauconduit, F., Le Ster, C., Ehses, P., Poser, B., Vignaud, A., & Boulant, N. (2021). Temporal SNR optimization through RF coil combination in fMRI: The more, the better? Plos One, PLoS ONE 16(11): e0259592.
Le Ster, C., Mauconduit, F., Mirkes, C., Bottlaender, M., Boumezbeur, F., Djemai, B., Vignaud, A., & Boulant, N. (2021). RF heating measurement using MR thermometry and field monitoring: methodological considerations and first in vivo results. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, 85, 1282–1293.
Haeger, A., Bottlaender, M., Lagarde, J., Porciuncula Baptista, R., Rabrait-Lerman, C., Luecken, V., Schulz, J. B., Vignaud, A., Sarazin, M., Reetz, K., Romanzetti, S., & Boumezbeur, F. (2021). What can 7T sodium MRI tell us about cellular energy depletion and neurotransmission in Alzheimer’s disease? Alzheimer’s & Dementia, 17(11), 1843–1854.
Bouyeur, A., Patil, S., Mauconduit, F., Poiret, C., Isai, D., & Noulhiane, M. (2021). Hippocampal subfield volumes and memory discrimination in the developing brain. Running title : Hippocampal subfields and memory discrimination during childhood Bouyeure, A.1,2, Patil, S. 1,2, Mauconduit, F.3, Poiret, C. 1,2, Isai, D. 1,2, Noulhiane,. Hippocampus.
Bapst, B., Amegnizin, J.-L., Vignaud, A., Kauv, P., Maraval, A., Kalsoum, E., Tuilier, T., Benaissa, A., Brugières, P., Leclerc, X., & Hodel, J. (2020). Post-contrast 3D T1-weighted TSE MR sequences (SPACE, CUBE, VISTA/BRAINVIEW, isoFSE, 3D MVOX): Technical aspects and clinical applications. Journal of Neuroradiology = Journal De Neuroradiologie.
Leroi, L., Gras, V., Boulant, N., Ripart, M., Poirion, E., Santin, M. D., Valabregue, R., Mauconduit, F., Hertz-Pannier, L., Le Bihan, D., de Rochefort, L., & Vignaud, A. (2020). Simultaneous PD, T1, T2 and flip angle mapping of the brain at 7T using multi-parametric 3D SSFP imaging and parallel transmission universal pulses. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, 84(6), 3286–3299.
Lezhennikov, K., Abdeddaim, R., Hurshkainen, A., Vignaud, A., Dubois, M., Jomin, P., Berrahou, D., Raaijmakers, A., Avdievich, N., Mechakova, I., Enoch, S., Belov, P., Simovski, C., & Glybovski, S. (2020). Constructive near-field interference effect in birdcage MRI coil with artificial magnetic shield. Physical Review Applied.
Van Damme, L., Mauconduit, F., Chambrion, T., Boulant, N., & Gras, V. (2020). Universal nonselective excitation and refocusing pulses with improved robustness to off‐resonance for Magnetic Resonance Imaging at 7 Tesla with parallel transmission. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, mrm.28441.
Quettier, L., Aubert, G., Belorgey, J., Berriaud, C., Bredy, P., Dilasser, G., Dubois, O., Gilgrass, G., Guihard, Q., Jannot, V., Juster, F.-P., Lannou, H., Molinie, F., Nunio, F., Roger, A., Schild, T., Scola, L., Sinanna, A., Stepanov, V., & Vedrine, P. (2020). Commissioning Completion of the Iseult Whole Body 11.7 T MRI System. IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity, 30(4), 1–5.
Le Ster, C., Moreno, A., Mauconduit, F., Gras, V., Stirnberg, R., Poser, B., Vignaud, A., Eger, E., Dehaene, S., Meyniel, F., & Boulant, N. (2020). Comparison of SMS-EPI and 3D-EPI at 7T in an fMRI localizer study with matched spatiotemporal resolution and homogenized excitation profiles. PLoS ONE 14(11): E0225286.
Lazarus, C., Weiss, P., El Gueddari, L., Mauconduit, F., Massire, A., Ripart, M., Vignaud, A., & Ciuciu, P. (2020). 3D variable‐density SPARKLING trajectories for high‐resolution T2*‐weighted magnetic resonance imaging. NMR in Biomedicine.
Jamil, R., Mauconduit, F., Gras, V., & Boulant, N. (2020). General gradient delay correction method in bipolar multispoke RF pulses using trim blips. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, mrm.28478.
Haeger, A., Mangin, J.-F., Vignaud, A., Poupon, C., Grigis, A., Boumezbeur, F., Frouin, V., Deverre, J.-R., Sarazin, M., Hertz-Pannier, L., & Bottlaender, M. (2020). Imaging the aging brain: study design and baseline findings of the SENIOR cohort. Alzheimer’s Research & Therapy, 12, 77.
Castaldi, E., Vignaud, A., & Eger, E. (2020). Mapping subcomponents of numerical cognition in relation to functional and anatomical landmarks of human parietal cortex. NeuroImage, 221, 117210.
Gras, V., Mauconduit, F., & Boulant, N. (2020). A Statistical Robust Approach to Design Parallel Transmit Radiofrequency Excitations in MRI. Concepts in Magnetic Resonance Part A, Bridging Education and Research, 2020, e6018107.
Guyot, A., Fouquier, A. G., Gerardin, E., Chupin, M., Glaunes, J., Marrakchi-Kacem, L., Germain, J., Boutet, C., Cury, C., Hertz-Pannier, L., Vignaud, A., Durrleman, S., Henry, T. R., Moortele, P.-F. van de, Trouve, A., & Colliot, O. (2020). A Diffeomorphic Vector Field Approach to Analyze the Thickness of the Hippocampus from 7T MRI. IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, 1–1.
Pinho, P, Amadon, A et al., Individual Brain Charting dataset extension, second release of high resolution fMRI data for cognitive mapping, Scientific Data (Nature publishing), (2020) 7:353